Sunday, November 06, 2005

Seven Months (Plus One Day)

Saturday was Sydney's seven-month birthday. We knew we needed to take a Fievel picture but every time we mentioned it we either weren't home or weren't in a position to take care of it right then. The last time we remembered she was already in bed for the night.

So we did it first thing Sunday morning.

Sydney at Seven Months

While I was clearing off the area for the picture we had her sitting up in the middle of our bed. Anne stuck Fievel up there next to her, so we had to take a picture of her there, of course.

Sydney and Fievel

This is my new home desktop picture. It will soon be my work desktop picture when I get to work on Monday.

When we have her sitting up we usually have the Boppy Pillow around her to help protect her from falling over. She will frequently reach out for her toys in front or beside her. She leans over and then sits back up. If she leaned too far backward and to the side she couldn't get back up. Sometimes she would even just let herself back to let her head hang, apparently. (She likes it sometimes.)

Recently she has been trying to sit back up from this position on her own, though. If she's flat she can't get to a sitting position. But if she's at a bit of an incline she can usually manage to sit up. Sometimes she just needs a minor nudge to be able to sit up, depending on how far back she's reclined.

When she takes a bath she doesn't like to recline back in the bath chair. She sits up on her own. She has to be held back against the recline when her legs and lower body are washed. As soon as we stop holding her down she sits up.

She still isn't rolling over on her own yet, but we're not worried about it. It will happen when she's ready to have it happen.

Her teeth total currently stands at five. One of her incisors has poked through on the top. The other one is close, but hasn't broken through the gum yet.


Blogger Marguerite said...

It' hard to look at picture and not be able to touch, hug, and kiss. So - post more pictures! Torture me. I love it!

How's the introduction to food going?

7:30 AM  

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