Tuesday, September 13, 2005


November is National Novel Writing Month. (That link is currently down. This time of year they always retool the site to get ready for November. If it's not back up in the next couple days it should definitely be up by October 1.)

The object of NaNoWriMo is to write a 50,000-word novel during the month of November. You might think that 50,000 words doesn't really make a very long novel, but it is plenty of words to try to write in just a month, I can tell you.

Last year I completed NaNoWriMo. I won it, as they say. Anyone that completes the 50,000 words within the month wins the satisfaction of having done it. (There's also a certificate you can print out and an icon you can get to use as an avatar online.) Everyone is on their honor to whether they win or not, though there is a verification process of the word count. But really, they don't know what you submit or when you wrote it. The satisfaction, though, of completing it was enough to deter me from ever trying or wanting to cheat it.

Unfortunately, this year I hold no delusions of actually being able to complete NaNoWriMo. There's this certain little lady that takes up a lot of my time. (Not that I would have it any other way.)

What I am going to do, though, is what I've been meaning to do for almost a year. I still need to edit my story from last year.

My month of November will be spent working on my story from last year. I am going to edit it and then get it posted where I can share it with my online family and friends. It won't be quite as exciting as doing the full-blown NaNoWriMo and probably won't have the same sense of accomplishment at the end. But it will have some sense of accomplishment and will get me working on my writing a little bit again.

And that's always good.


Blogger Marguerite said...

Now aren't you glad Grandma B. decided to come in October instead of November?

9:32 AM  

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