Saturday, May 28, 2005

Heads and Smiles

There's some good baby news following. The grandparents will be very happy.

First up, we finally got a picture of Sydney smiling a real, honest to goodness, huge smile after many attempts. (A fraction of which you can see over in my Picturetrail albums.) Unfortunately, the great smile picture that we saw in the display screen of the digital camera was blurry when seen full-size. I was too close when snapping it. Regardless, it's still a great picture, worth sharing, and my current computer wallpaper.

Sydneys Big Smile

The hunt isn't over yet, though. We will get a "perfect" smile picture eventually.

In other big baby news, Sydney is starting to "talk." She's not really cooing yet, but we will hear gurgles and babbles occasionally when she's lying by herself. It's still rare and not consistent that it will happen, but suddenly we'll hear these noises from her like she's trying to say something. To hear anything from her other than a cry, grunt, burp or fart is a wonderful change.

Sydney is also working hard with her neck muscles to try and get them strengthened. When she sits up (with our support) to be burped she can hold her head up by herself for short periods of time. Over the last few days we have turned her over on her stomach (supervised the whole time, of course!) and she will raise her head up to look around.

It's exciting to see the development stage by stage as she learns new things!

Sydney Holding Her Head Up

And for those of you that haven't seen them (and I don't think I linked to them previously, but if I did, too bad) my Mother has some great pictures up in her Picturetail photo album. They're from her trip here in May to see Sydney. Check those out, too.


Blogger Marguerite said...

Aunt Carrie alerted us to the new pictures in your Picturetrail yesterday. Very nice.

We all love hearing about the little things in your family's life, and the big things too - like Sydney cooing and holding her head up. How cool.

For some reason your blog pictures are now showing in IE. All I'm seeing is a little box.

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and let me repeat that the Murvosh women in all the pictures are just beautiful! So, beautiful women on Mom's side, beautiful women on John's side (present writer excluded from the praise, of course) makes for a magnificently lovely baby Sydney!

1:42 PM  

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