Thursday, May 19, 2005

All the News Fit for Grandma

Sydney might be sleeping longer. It's hard to tell. She seems to be sleeping for about four hours at night before needing to wake up. But it still varies and she's on her own schedule. She wakes up and wants to eat when she wants to.

She will eat more at night, it seems. Around 9-10:00 she sometimes "binge eats." The people at Anne's breastfeeding support group said babies will do this when they're ready to sleep through the night. They eat more and want more apparently so they can go longer without eating. She hasn't slept through the night yet, but we keep hoping.

She seems to be genuinely smiling more now. I usually see her right after she's woken up or right after she's eaten, though, so it's hard for me to tell sometimes whether it's still just gas or a genuine smile. Anne says she's smiled for her a few times, though. And, of course, I’m sure I’ve gotten a real smile once or twice.

Alas, there are no new pictures yet. I haven't been home enough when she's active enough for a picture. And Anne hasn't taken any. But... there is one new picture posted. It seems there was one on the memory card that I hadn't posted yet...

I'm betting there will be several news pictures to post the early part of next week, though. Aunt Helena and Aunt Marta are coming up this weekend.


Blogger Marguerite said...

Thanks Dad! It's fun to see another picture of the perfect and beautiful Sydney and Grandma B with her mouth open. LOL

11:17 AM  

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